As I have related previously, creationists often ask the stupid question: “if we evolved from apes, how come there are still apes around?”. As I stated then, it demonstrates a…
It is ironic that Chris Kenny from Murdoch’s The Australian, in casting aspersions upon the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC), begins what he laughably calls ‘analysis’ by referring to “post-truth journalism,…
Chairman of the UK Press Holdings Group, Andrew Neil1 has been in Australia. Press Holdings Group has as two of its titles The Spectator and The Daily Telegraph, both of which…
In a mind-bogglingly bizarre press conference, Prime Minister Scott Morrison has said that he doesn’t accept that he, as treasurer, cut $1.2 billion from the aged care budget. This was…
Criminal charges have been laid against a former employee of the Australian Secret Intelligence Service (ASIS), ‘Witness K’ (they cannot be identified), as well as his lawyer, Bernard Collaery, for…
In 2016, founder of, Bill McKibben1, in The New Republic, has stated that World War 3 is under way, and we are losing. He believes we are under attack…
Last Sunday, an article by Steven Wardill, in Brisbane’s Murdoch-owned Sunday Mail supposedly revealed why the husband of state Liberal National Party leader Deb Frecklington, Jason, had closed his ‘fledgling’…