In August 1990, the army of Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein invaded neighbouring Kuwait. The UN Security Council demanded an immediate withdrawal of Iraqi troops, while a NATO official said the…
The Eden-Monaro by-election was held on Saturday, July 4th and it was won by the Labor candidate, Kristy McBain, with a two-party preferred vote of about 50.4%1. At such a…
Not only were conservatives foaming at the mouth about the conviction of Cardinal George Pell for child sexual abuse, but also about the opprobrium heaped on St Kevin’s college for…
An odd group of conspiracy theorists has sprung up, initially in the US. It is based on what its followers believe is someone in the security services in the US,…
About three weeks ago, I wrote a piece about the Liberal candidate for the Eden-Monaro by-election, Fiona Kotvojs, specifically about how she, at Scott Morrison’s urging, spouted the Liberal Party…
Only a couple of days after posting the second compilation of the federal Coalition government’s numerous examples of corruption, I found I had to start a third such compilation; such…
Amanda Stoker is a Liberal National Party senator from Queensland. In 2009, she lost preselection to Mark Robinson for the state seat of Cleveland1. Mark Robinson has turned out to…
Sky News is the Murdoch-owned zoo of right wing nut jobs. The main aim of their world view is to keep ultraconservative governments in place where Murdoch has media interests…