Ludicrously, the shifty member for Goldstein, Tim Wilson, who used taxpayers’ money in campaigning against Labor’s franking credit refund policy1, is the chair of the government’s economics committee. He has…
Yet another Queensland Liberal National Party halfwit, Terry Young, elected to parliament by the Longman electorate in the most recent election, has clearly demonstrated he believes his ignorance is equivalent…
There have been numerous stories on the Crown Casino scandal in the media. This seemingly started with an investigation by what used to be Fairfax and 60 minutes (actually 38…
The Queensland Liberal-National Party (LNP) had its annual convention over the last few days and one of the motions passed urged a future LNP state government to establish a science…
The Minister for Indigenous Affairs, Ken Wyatt delivered a speech at the National Press Club explaining that there would be a referendum on constitutional recognition of Indigenous Australians. He stated…
I don’t tend to read anything written by ignoramuses, except when dealing with people like creationists and climate change deniers. I read occasional creationist drivel because I like to use…
There are stories coming from several sources in different parts of the nation of retirees turning up at Centrelink offices or ringing them up to ask when they will be…