The assertion of incompetence is implicit in geologists such as Plimer and Carter1 maintaining that all 600+ climate scientists party to the IPCC reports2 have made some glaringly obvious errors…
A dichotomy means a division into two mutually exclusive options. False dichotomies are imposing what seems to be a dichotomy on a continuum, or on something which is more complex,…
One of the lies commonly related by climate change deniers is that in the 1970s, most scientific papers predicted the climate would cool and there would be a new ice…
Climate change deniers will often say that climate scientists or oceanographers are exaggerating the amount of sea-level rise. Indeed, they will attempt to have you believe that tide gauges on…
Climate change deniers like to impose impossible demands on the research of climate scientists. They home in on any uncertainties and they tend to exaggerate these uncertainties, at the same…
Your average man-in-the-street denier does not have any understanding of the language of science, let alone the methods of science. As a consequence, he does not have the wherewithal to…
One of the most common instances of fallacious logic1 used by deniers is stating that, as carbon dioxide comprises only four molecules out of every ten thousand (400 parts per…
In the psychology of human behaviour, denialism is a person’s choice to deny reality, as a way to avoid a psychologically uncomfortable truth. Denialism is an essentially irrational action that withholds the validation of…
The huge number of climate change deniers in parliament1 has clearly demonstrated that a large number of our parliamentarians are not up to the task of representing us and making…
Often you will hear climate change deniers whine that the Earth hasn’t warmed since 1998. Just a quick look at the breaking of temperature records would seem to indicate this…