The takeover of the Victorian branch of the Liberal Party is nearly complete and it seems like the same sort of takeover is happening to the Western Australian branch of…
After the Neonazi demonstration at St Kilda a couple of days ago, the Prime Minister, Scott Morrison grouped the Neonazis and the antifascist demonstrators together in his weak tweeted ‘condemnation’….
The day after the Bourke Street attack of November 9th, 2018, Scott Morrison, came out and called on Muslim leaders to take “special responsibility” for stamping out radicalism in their…
Father Bob Maguire is a catholic priest who styles himself as the ‘Larrikin Priest; the patron of the unloved and unlovely’. He cares for people who are less fortunate than…
In his Christmas message, the Catholic Archbishop of Sydney, Anthony Fisher, has denounced “discrimination against people of faith”, which has left Christmas and Easter as two of the few times…
Usually by this time of year there have been several stories in the Murdoch and other right-wing media outlets that a war is being waged on Christmas by assorted greenies…
On the 4thof December 2017, Scott Morrison addressed the House of Representatives on the amendment to the Marriage Act, and said: “In fact, separation of church and state was set…
While the Ruddock Religious Freedom Review’s recommendations were leaked to the media a while ago, and caused considerable confusion among the Liberal Party when they were queried about them1, it…