The Fair Work Commission decided in March 2017 to decrease Sunday penalty rates in the hospitality, fast food, retail and pharmacy industries to be the same as those for Saturday1….
Young comedian Eurydice Dixon was raped and murdered by a 19-year-old male in a Carlton North park as she was walking home from a gig in Melbourne on June 13th….
In a previous post, I related the fact that the New South Wales government is considering a proposal to permit corporations to sue individuals. As I stated, this would have…
Quite often, I have been so incensed about some government policy, hypocrisy, lying or criminal behaviour, that I feel I must write something, only to find that someone has done…
Predictably, Andrew Bolt is foaming at the mouth again. This time, it is about the demise of the single-use plastic bag from supermarkets. He hilariously started off his rant with:…
It was Alan Turning’s (1912-1954)1 birthday on June 23rd. Many people may not have heard of him, but owing to the cult of celebrity they will know of Benedict Cumberbatch,…
There is a quote often erroneously attributed to Benito Mussolini or Giovanni Gentile which states “Fascism should more properly be called corporatism since it is the merger of state and…
At a national level, the coordinating body of the Liberal Party is the Federal Council. It comprises 14 delegates from each state and the Australian Capital Territory. These include the…