At the meeting of the National Cabinet on Friday, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese (I’m still feeling relieved Morrison is no longer PM) said that Medicare needs reform and that care…
Savva, N. 2022. Bulldozed: Scott Morrison’s fall and Anthony Albanese’s rise. Scribe, Melbourne, 391 p.1 Before I had finished Van Badham’s wonderful book on QAnon2, I had to kill a…
Greg Latemore was ordained as a Catholic priest in 1975 for the Archdiocese of Brisbane and left active ministry in 1980. He was laicised* in 1990. He is now married, lectures…
Despite all the fannying around by politicians indicating that the Covid-19 pandemic is over and that we are in a post-Covid-19 time1, 2, and despite all the prognostications, by some…
An active online cooker was aghast at a YouTube video (apparently his main source of information; he doesn’t trust the mainstream media). The video was from Michael West who runs…
While I knew that the late, unlamented George Pell was a conservative within the Catholic church, I didn’t realise that he was actively working against the current pope, Francis. An Italian…