While compiling the previous item on the stupidities of Gerard Rennick1, I soon realised that to include them all would have resulted in a very long essay, so I split…
If there was a competition for the stupidest parliamentarian, now that Craig Kelly is no longer in parliament, the poor, benighted senator Gerard Rennick seems certainly hard to beat. In…
Deep in the basement recesses of the library at Geoscience Australia is a journal entitled Original Reports of the Okamura Fossil Laboratory1. Decades ago, these were sent, unsolicited, to the…
Back at the end of October 2017, within the first year of starting this blog, I wrote a piece on how climate change deniers were trying to tell people that…
After mucking about with ChatGPT some days ago for a piece I wrote about the origin of the myth of opals being unlucky1, I decided to have a crack at…
I missed a paper from a couple of years ago; but it is a bit disturbing nonetheless. It deals with the relationship between extinctions and the past heating of the…
In a piece I wrote almost two weeks ago on the saving of the Trove online resource, I mentioned that I was using it to look up newspaper and magazine…
The last of a previous series of four articles related some of the activities surrounding the 2021 Church and State Summit convened by one David Pellowe. At that summit, Pellowe…