Christian couple, Nick and Sarah Jensen stated that if same sex marriage was legalised in Australia, they would divorce. This is not quite what most normal people mean by divorce….
The Institute of Public Affairs (IPA) is a right wing ‘think tank’ which is in essence a lobby group for big business. It has provided a significant number of members…
When scientists say they have undertaken a meta-analysis1, it means that they have looked at the raw data from several other studies and extracted what is required from it to…
As we head towards the third decade of the 21st century, the old suited right-wing nut jobs are still railing against any small advance in society, any small decrease in…
Often you will hear a creationist, or simply an ignoramus ask: “If we evolved from apes how come there are still apes around?” I have had this question asked of…
Lyle Shelton, the reality-challenged Managing Director of the Australian Christian Lobby (ACL), after losing the same-sex marriage debate, is now foaming at the mouth about the Victorian Voluntary Assisted Dying…
In relation to the supposed religious protections requested by opponents to same-sex marriage, the Member of Parliament from Western Australia, Andrew Hastie asked: “will parents and faith-based schools be able…
Section 116 of the Constitution of Australia states: The Commonwealth shall not make any law for establishing any religion, or for imposing any religious observance, or for prohibiting the free…
There are numerous cryptocurrencies, but the two best known are Bitcoin and Ethereum1. Bitcoin suffered a price collapse last Friday from a high of about $US6820 down to about $US5556….
Although it came out long after I had lost my religion, I always liked and related to the song ‘Losing my religion’ by REM1, because it reflected what had happened…