The US has a federal system of government, with power shared between the 50 states, one district and several territories. Every 4 years an election is held to select a…
In a speech delivered to journalism students at the Moody College of Communication at the University of Texas at Austin, retired Admiral William McRaven quoted the words of Donald Trump…
Although Ronald Reagan and the republicans love to take credit for ‘winning the cold war’, which culminated in the collapse of the USSR, they should probably not do so. As…
Online, I have been discussing with numerous trumpettes the benefits or otherwise of electing the orange buffoon to the presidency. In doing so, I stumbled on a facebook page where…
After Trump’s idiotic rants about NATO, US Defence Secretary Mattis, on a visit to NATO headquarters in Brussels, eventually stated that the US commitment to NATO “remains solid”. Then he…
Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin was born in October 1952 in Leningrad (now Saint Petersburg) and graduated from Leningrad State University with a law degree in 1975. He then entered to Committee…
‘I’ve been hearing that people have been saying’ that the person actually running the government of the USA is not Donald Trump, but Steve Bannon. This has even been to…
Donald Trump may have purged the White House website of references to climate change and promised to withdraw the USA from international climate agreements but judging by his administration’s latest decree…
In an online chat, a Trump voter (a trumpette) stated that America had the best voting system in the world (I think the word ‘electoral’ was beyond him). I laughed…