New South Wales (NSW) premier Gladys Berejiklian was adamant the Sydney New Year’s Eve fireworks would go ahead despite calls from the Deputy Premier, John Barilaro, to cancel them. Barilaro…
The disgraceful Murdoch rag, Brisbane’s Courier Mail has done an attempted character assassination of Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk by printing a story about state Liberal National Party Deb Frecklington’s attack…
Just short of two and a half years ago, it was revealed that Barnaby Joyce was a New Zealand citizen. The then New Zealand Prime Minister, Bill English, confirmed that…
Barnaby Joyce (the Beetrooter) posted a video on Twitter, presumably taken on his phone and said: “Well, you probably wonder what politicians do on Christmas Eve well (sic) when it’s…
Back in 2009, Australia suffered its worst bushfire disaster when, in Victoria, 173 people were killed, 414 injured, and over a million wild and domesticated animals were killed and nearly…
As I mentioned a few days ago, the Liberal Party in New South Wales now seems a bit confused about climate change, with the state Environment Minister, Matt Kean, clearly…
The targets to which many nations signed up at the 2015 Paris Climate Change meeting were designed to keep the rise in global average temperature to below 2°C, with a…