Over the last few days, I have had a few, um, discussions with creationists, as much as that is possible with such dogmatic people. They keep trying to tell me…
As expected, another school massacre has happened in the US. This time it was in the gun-fetish capital of the US, the state of Texas. The perpetrator was a 17-year-old…
I cannot begin to imagine what the first people who saw Uluru thought about it, nor can I remember reading what the first Europeans to see it thought. I have…
Back when I first started in gainful employment, the people in the organisation who looked after salaries, employment conditions, workplace safety, recruitment and suchlike concerns of employees and prospective employees….
The Carlingford branch of the Liberal Party has previously called for the cessation of all immigration and the cessation of all refugee intakes. It labelled migrants as ‘criminals’ and ‘bastards’,…
You may not have heard of Fiona Wilson, but she used to be an executive in the company Origin Energy1, one of the big players in coal-seam gas in eastern…
Michaelia Cash, the accident-prone Minister for Jobs and Innovation, echoed the assertion made by backbencher Julia Banks, who said she could live on the $40 per day of the Newstart…
Yet another government backbencher, MP Andrew Laming, has made a fool of himself, by arguing that school teachers should be made to spend eight hours a day at work, should…
A recent article in the Daily Bellylaugh (i.e. Daily Telegraph) exemplifies the way the Murdoch press operates. This story is headlined “Call of Duty Free” with the banner above it…
There has been great consternation among Australians who actually care about their fellow man, about the parlous state of the dole, or as it is now called ‘Newstart’. Currently, for…