In political theory, the ‘elite’ are a small group of powerful people who hold a disproportionate amount of wealth, privilege and political power or skill in a society1. I first…
I have been to the Australian War Memorial numerous times over the years and I always walk through the cloisters, past the name of one of my relatives who was…
The National Apology to the stolen generations came about as the result of a recommendation from the National Inquiry into the Separation of Aboriginal Children from their Families, commissioned by…
On Twitter, Milly Majich made a very astute observation: “Why is it that the people who calmly misrepresent ‘Religious Instruction’ as being ‘Religious Education’ are the same ones who hysterically…
Matthew Guy, leader of the Victorian Opposition, may have signed his political death warrant by ‘promising’ that religious instruction classes will be reintroduced into the Victorian state school curriculum should…