They Vote For You is a website which tracks how parliamentarians vote on whatever issue you care to name1. As they say in their ‘About’ page, “Forget what politicians say. What…
As I have said here before, I used to think Tony Abbott was the worst liar I hd ever seen in federal parliament1, 2, but he pales into insignificance compared…
In an impromptu interview with Australian reporters at the G20 in Rome, French President Emmanuel Macron was asked if he thought Morrison had lied to him over the cancellation of…
Everyone who reads articles in the blog will know that I have a particularly low opinion of Scott Morrison’s character1-3, as Emmanuel Macron also seems to do4. I used to…
The Bureau of Meteorology has what is called it’s ‘ENSO Outlook’. It is an alert system for the El Niño-Southern Oscillation. In its design, it is like the fire danger…
Well known journalist Malcolm Farr tweeted “No suggestion Gladys B is corrupt in the grabbing-fistfuls-of-dollars sense but taxpayer money should not be used to pay romance insurance.”1 While I had…