As the great American comedian Jon Stewart, said:
“Yes, the long war on Christianity. I pray that one day we may live in an America where Christians can worship freely! In broad daylight! Openly wearing the symbols of their religion… perhaps around their necks? And maybe — dare I dream it? — maybe one day there can be an openly Christian President. Or, perhaps, 43 of them. Consecutively.”
This sort of retort also applies to Treasurer Scott Morrison, who has stated that he “is not going to put up with it any more”. What he refuses to put up with any more, is a little unclear apart from erosion of ‘religious freedoms’ and ‘mockery’ of his faith and religious festivals1.
One of the funniest things to happen in recent days is the joke prosecuted by Senator Nick McKim in which he had a ‘Merry Christmas’ sign on a wall, with the latter word crossed out and replaced with ‘nondenominational seasonal festivity’. It was a pisstake, but the humourless conservatives went berserk, jumping onto their annual ‘war on christmas’ drivel-driven bandwagon. Nick McKim has form in the pisstake, having posted a photograph of himself in April this year with a bowl of easter eggs and a plate of hot-cross buns, with the caption ‘Treating staff to halal-certified holiday eggs and warmed non-denominational cinnamon flavoured geometrically decorated seasonal fruit buns’2. So, it is not as if conservatives weren’t warned. But still they are infuriated that someone like McKim doesn’t deck his halls or walls with images of reindeer, sleighs and old fat blokes in red suits, like all those who really believe in Christmas.
Scott Morrison, the Santa of stupidity, who keeps on giving, stated: “The Greens are actually opposed the Christmas! For many millions of Australians Christmas is a very spiritual time of year and central to their religious faith. For Members of Parliament to treat this important religious occasion with such disrespect is as offensive as it is disappointing”
What I find offensive is Morrison pretending to be a Christian, while screwing the lowly paid, those who are on benefits, those who depend on penalty rates and those who want to go to university, while he sits back on his $1,000 dollar per day salary, wanting to give a $65 billion tax cut to his wealthy donors in big business, so they can continue to donate to his political party. Not only is that a mockery of democracy, it is also a mockery of Christianity, and Morrison makes McKim’s jokes look like small beer in the mockery stakes. Morrison goes to one of those churches where arm-waving is mandatory, and where copious amounts of money roll in. It is the sort of church where, if the second coming happened and Jesus rolled up espousing what he is reputed to have done, these ‘christians’ would call the police and have him dragged away and incarcerated.