The decline in religion is something that interests me greatly, as anyone who reads this blog can attest. I originally wrote about in in 2019, with an essay on the decline of religion in the Anglophone world, wherein I tracked the proportion of the population who, according to the census, had no religious affiliation. In 1966, only 0.8% of the population reportedly had no religious affiliation whereas, at the time the last census for which data was available (i.e. that of 2016), indicated that 30.1% of the population had no religious affiliation1.
A subsequent hunt around for other available data, found that there were sources other than the census which included religiosity in their surveys. They included the Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) survey. This is an annual survey which began in 2001. At the time the most recent data available, although published in 2020, was from 2018. It indicated the decline in religion was continuing, with about 40% of those in the 17,000 households surveyed, claiming they had no religion2.
At the same time, I stumbled across that HILDA survey, I found the results of a Roy Morgan survey, which was based on responses from about 17,000 people. These results were obtained in 2020, so the results were more recent than the HILDA survey. The Roy Morgan survey indicated that those with no religious affiliation comprised 45.5% of the population2.
In June 2022, I had a crack at the topic again when the results of the 2021 census were released. This census gave the proportion of the population with no religious affiliation as being 38.9%. At the time, I wondered why there was a disparity between the census and the previous HILDA and Roy Morgan surveys where the non-religious proportion was higher. At the time of the release of the census figures, the Rationalist Society of Australia suggested that the figures of those with a religious affiliation were inflated3.
In 2021, the National Secular Lobby (NSL) released the results of two polls run during July of that year which attempted to analyse the census’ measurement of religiosity in Australia. They suggested that the census question was a leading one and it gave an inflated religious affiliation result. So, in their polls, they asked two questions, one reproducing the census question, and the other with a non-leading version. The result they obtained from the leading question was (at 41%) roughly in line with the census result of 38.9%. The non-leading alternative question gave a No Religion proportion of 52%, considerably more than the census result3.
A new HILDA report came out in 2024, based on data obtained in 2022. This indicated that the downward trend in religious affiliation was continuing. Among respondents, 39.4% of women over 15 years of age had no religious affiliation, while for men it was 46.3%. Given that there are 100 women for every 99 men in the population, the proportion of the population with no religious affiliation is 42.6%. This is an increase of 2.6% from the previous HILDA report4. At the time of writing no other surveys are available.
The main reasons for the decline over the years seem to be concerned with improvements in education, child and other sexual abuse within assorted churches, and the general discrimination by religions against women5.
What will happen from here? I suspect religious affiliation will continue to decline as the appalling current methods of the religious to halt this decline become more widely known. These include taking over political parties (e.g. the Australian Liberal Party6) and what can be called ‘the Trump effect’ where many of the religious have thrown their lot in with oligarchs, fascists and the weirdos behind the Trump Project 2025. These religious nutters have jettisoned any semblance of following the supposed teachings of Jesus. Their attitude to the teachings of Jesus is to state they are too “weak” and too “liberal” (sensu Americana) and that “they don’t work any more”7.
This perception of the venality of the religious is exacerbated by their figurehead Trump and his cronies attempting to dismantle US democracy. This clearly demonstrates that David Frum was right when he said: “When conservatives become convinced they cannot win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism, they will reject democracy”. The religious are on this bandwagon with Trump and they will suffer for it.
Interesting report, thanks. With questions about religious affiliations and the influence or power of religions, human nature is quirky, abstract and coherent all at once. The general background of strong faith based people is family having religious faith, just my impression. Maybe more than half of the religious “inherited” or were brought up in a religion… ? The strong faith based people who arrive at their faith independently are maybe a third? The inspired or converted on road to Damascus type after personal struggles, drug use, alcoholism, traumatic experiences in life that shatter one’s psyche, those are a minority but often become leaders of whatever system of faith they find.
There’s something of a fight back response in faith where members get more extreme when confronted with facts that point out the faiths failures. Scientology for example. Lack of logic or glaring flaws in any faith are irrelevant to believers. Crimes arise from the tendency to protect the faith leaders. The risk of child abuse or abuse of vulnerable is ever apparent and serious.
Thanks for highlighting the subject in Australia.
I am sure there are multifarious reasons why people are religious or become religious, just as there are many reasons why people leave religion. There is also the traditional adherence to religion. I suspect that while I was living at home, even after I had become a confirmed atheist, my parents ticked the religious box on the census for me. If someone wants to be religious that is their concern and I will not get in their way, but when they try to inflict their beliefs on me either through discrimination or legislation then we have a problem and I will NEVER acquiesce. As Voltaire said: “Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities”. All theocracies have proven this to be true.
God bless you Admin.
Which god? There are thousands to choose from.
I’ll get back to you. Buried under the Wiso Basin………………