It was Mark Twain who said “Only fiction has to be credible.” But The Australian satirists outdid Orwell with their editorial today headed “Turnbull moderates blow up a centrist government” A centrist government was blown up; in August and it wasn’t done by moderates.
Not sure which of the two is more delusional. Turnbull still thinks he was running a centrist government and The (once great, now intellectually and ethically bankrupt) Australian thinks Dutton and his extreme right wing nutjob supporters weren’t the instigators and cause of the self-destruction. Okay I’m exaggerating. One is an ego-driven delusion which can possibly be cured, the other a total denial of the facts. The latter is utter stupidity so wins the race to the bottom easily.
I always like to pour scorn on the Australian, no matter what the source.