As if another illustration was needed

By October 27, 2022Media

Rob Scott is supposedly a journalist and states he is the “Federal political reporter for Seven News in Canberra/ These opinions are my own and do not reflect those of my employer.”1

This clearly exceptionally limited ‘journalist’ tweeted the following: “Trial of Brittany Higgins has been aborted due to misconduct by a juror. They brought research material into the jury room contrary to orders from the judge. New trial listed for 20 Feb 2023.”

The trial was not of Brittany Higgins, but of Bruce Lehrmann for the alleged rape of Brittany Higgins in the office of the Defence Industry Minister, Linda Reynolds in March 20192.

DocAvvers tweeted in reply to this stupid effort from Scott: “Brittany Higgins wasn’t on trial. Delete and edit, please.”3

Scott did delete the offending tweet, but the fact that he is supposedly a journalist and could get it so wrong, is simply another prime example of what is wrong with the mainstream media.



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