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Excellent, however the chance that any Trump supporter would read this, and understand it, is infinitessimally small.
I know it would be vanishingly small, but it may seep out into the general public, and eventually make its way into the broader consciousness.
And it did. I just read it on Facebook and then found you here. Powerful, incisive description.
It is seeping out. It showed up on a group email to me. I have copied it and am propelling it out into the universe like rays of energy from the sun.
That is the finest piece of hopefulness and sunny side of the street thinking; admittedly, I have prayed for the man, asking
that he become a better person, because, of, course, it would be to our benefit. I am so with you, however, in terms of seeping out and making its way into the broader consciousness! Ihave hoped for this for years, but am realizing that some folks don’t change, particularly when they haven’t the wherewithall to do so.
I just now read it on Facebook 4/27/24 @8:10pm
“Rankest flower of racism ” doesn’t that title belong to Margaret Sanger who started Planned Parenthood to eliminate people of color?
Sanger, while a eugenicist, did not plan to eliminate ‘people of colour’. Don’t believe what conservatives tell you; they mostly lie. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Margaret_Sanger
Nope, she advocated birth control. Nothing there about eliminating a race. But thanks for playing Mr racist
How and why do people hear and believe this type bull without ever checking the source of facts? Very sad state of the American politically taught citizens.
lol….no doubt right? That’s why I reposted this 😉
I have good friends from both sides of the fence, and even though they may not always agree with me, they at least see my perspective or at least try to.
They were there when I had to run a Covid shelter in the midst of it all.
So I believe when I post things like this, then re-post what I just read, they will at least take the time to read it and maybe one of these days, I’ll get a convert……👆
I teared up a little. Beautifully appropriate.
Ditto here
Most intelligent, learned, concise , succinct and comprehensive profile of Covid Orange.
Whoever you are, 82 Million THANKS for this Wise & DEFINITIVE descriptive of King Baby.
Hi. Your text so aptly describes our own brazilian version of Trump, Bolsonaro, that I had the temerity to translate it to Brazilian portuguese. How should I attribute the authorship to you? I await your answer eagerly, as I’m sure it will be a hit here in Brazil. We wage a bitter war against the fake news machine (I’m talking about dozens of employees managing 30-40 different fake IDs each, working every day in alternate shifts). You wouldn’t believe the lying, the eye-poking, the adulterated videos, the frankly bizarre/pornographic notions and whatnot against this essentially tepid center-a-wee-bit-to-the-left government of Lula’s. And I may be mistaken but I think people just might take to copying and pasting your text as a riposte against those orcs.
It is not mine. It is taken from another website; you can see it here: https://similarworlds.com/public-figures/4229795-Stable-Genius-Talented-and-well-practiced-in-every
Read about Advocatus penegrini. They were back in the Roman times. I assume this is a description of a Roman leader.
That may be where the name came from, but the language is not that ancient. It is definitely about Trump. See here, with pictures: https://similarworlds.com/public-figures/4229795-Stable-Genius-Talented-and-well-practiced-in-every
Wow. Finally, a refuge from Hardy’s “madding crowd”. I will memorize the “Stable Genius’s” description and spread it abroad.
Thank you for this. Read Dan Rather’s expose also on his site: “Steady”:
My comments…”So sad. A national system to achieve steady-as-you-go justice is in jeopardy – – and the nation and its people along with it. Mr. Trump does not care, and, I suspect, does not have the moral gumption to realize that defect as a serious one. God help us all.
Pray for divine help is all I can think of… Blessings, PJ”
While this quote from Advocatus Peregrini attempts to explain the psychological makeup of those who are attached to Trump, the one by Will Bunch attempts to explain the reasons why they are so angry. It is here: https://blotreport.com/2023/08/14/will-bunch-quote/
INCREDIBLY WELL WRITTEN, accurate and “sad” (to quote him) that most Trumpers would not recognize themselves in him. Thank you.
Yep, it is. I wish I had written it.
The quote leaves out, “He is clearly no stranger to the embraces of barnyard animals and domesticated pets.”
Jeez! So he has attacked animals too? 😉
This is the best critique of the demon, ever. Period. Amen.
Just when you thought Trump conservatives had plumbed the depths of depravity and immoral behaviour along comes yet another Republican nutter. That this person is a public official makes the behaviour even more egregious. The feckless Ms Smit appears to be a top class exponent of unintended irony with her comment about depravity and corruption.
I can only conclude that she’s either a supporter of the extreme Heritage Foundation, an authoritarian – arguably fascist – conservative American cult which is a threat to the rule of law and normal human decency, OR she’s trying to ingratiate herself with moneyed extremists she thinks will support her.
JHC! That is extraordinarily bizarre.
I spotted the quote in the Comments by Greg C to an Independent story on Microsoft News:
“Donald Trump goes off script in dehumanising rant at half-baked Ohio rally”
I copied it to Post.news and linked here.
It’s getting legs.
Just when you think the sociopath and his craven, asinine lickspittles could sink no further….
It’s hard to find words to describe their depravity.
Agreed BA, or more generally – despotesque, because there’s any number of them across this planet.
In better news (mainly for comedians and satirists) though…….”Nationals” (that moniker is in a close battle with “One Nation” and the “Liberals” for the least representative name for any political party in this country) senator for north dribbling Matt Canavan has apparently offered his services to the nation as ambassador to the USA should the orange sociopath somehow get another gig in the White House. Canavan, who is well known for his fabulous diplomacy and negotation skills, not to mention his unique grasp of science, is apparently held in great esteem by his peers of the nether regions – especially former leader, the great ex-northern beetrooter and Lonsdale Street icon Barnaby Joyce. Sure, there’s an infinitessimally tiny chance Canavan would be offered the post by any sane government, but there is a silver lining. As Piggy Muldoon once mused about Kiwis departing for our shores- the IQ of both countries would rise.
Jeezuz! Cos-play Canavan as a diplomat beggars belief.
April 2024!! About a yr after a lot of comments- I just happened upon this!!! Absolute legend!!!!this is so so what this despot has become – actually – Always Was….. We Must get serious and Never Never let this hedonistic narcissist get ANYwhere near the Oval!!!!!
Thanks. I’m very pleased that you found it useful
It is a cracker! Keep it up.
This is the author https://substack.com/@kitthornton